////////////////////////////////////////////// CakExtension is still in Beta stage Use it @ your own risk!! ////////////////////////////////////////////// This directory is for CakExtension support. CakExtension support let Quick zip support more archive using other archiver in dos command line mode, to do this, you must first created a ini file (e.g. you have to use xyz.ini for .xyz archive like c:\test.xyz). There's some predefined ini, you can found them in predefined directory, if you going to use them you have to change the EXEPATH and UNEXEPATH to your file. Quick Zip will then look for the extension in \QuickZip\Extension\ directory every time it startup. Here's a sample of the extension ini - [INFO] DOWNLOAD=http://www.website.com < Specify where to download the file [Features] Add=1 < Tell Quick Zip what features it providing. Extract=1 < You can overwrite the internal support as well Test=1 List=0 SFX=0 Delete=0 [Paths] EXEPATH=c:\path\filename.exe < Tell Quick Zip where the dos-prompt application located UNEXEPATH=c:\path\filename.exe [Strings] ARCHIVE=%ARCHIVE-NAME%%ARCHIVE-EXT% < This one must included =) [Param] [Commands] Mode=1 < Capture mode, Use 1 or 0, Use 1 unless not working. < Now teach Quick Zip how to do the features Extract=%UNEXEPATH% e -y %PARAM% %ARCHIVE% %EXTRACTTO%\ %FILE2EXTR% Test=%UNEXEPATH% t %ARCHIVE% ADD=%EXEPATH% a -c2 -o %PARAM% %ARCHIVE% %ADDFILE% List=%UNEXEPATH% l %ARCHIVE% Delete=%EXEPATH% d %PARAM% %ARCHIVE% %FILE2DEL% [List] ShowList=1 LineStart=10 < Toggle where to start/stop "finding" filelist LineStop=-2 ;total lines -2 Filename-START=45 < which char of that line do filename start? Filename-STOP=80 Filepackedsize-START=20 < filepacked size.. Filepackedsize-STOP=29 Filesize-START=30 < file size Filesize-STOP=38